Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ready. Set. Launch.

Share it Please

In just a couple of days, 2015 officially comes to an end. Some of us are still reminiscing all the wonderful moments from this year, while others are eager to celebrate with a bang. One of the ways to start fresh, is to release any baggage from the past -- bad habits, negative thinking, an ex relationship, or any regretful mistakes. Moving towards a positive direction requires strength and inner honesty about the person we are now to who we wish to be. Take a look at Steve Harvey, for example. The man laughed at possibly the biggest mistake of the century and owned up to it. So let 2016 be the year to fight your inner demons. This is the year to harness your strengths, fight your weaknesses, and rise as the phoenix. (Yes. I have seen way too many kung-fu movies in my lifetime…)

For my 2016 New Year's resolution, I wanted to channel all of my creative energy into a blog. With the person that I am today, I really appreciate the smaller things in life. My life and home has always been in Portland, Oregon and it has been a valuable part of my childhood. I am feeling 22 (T-Swizzle) with an introvert energy and an INFJ personality (Myer Briggs). When I was 6, the nerd life found me. I am a huge fan of Final Fantasy, Diablo, Tekken, Streetfighter, Toonami, Crunchyroll, Pokemon,  Marvel, and DC. No shame!

Most importantly, my goals for this creative avenue is to share and expose the art of fashion, beauty, home decor, and nerd news for all the unique group of people out there. The beauty of interests & hobbies is that we can have more than one. 2016 can be the year to take up on a new class (boxing, art, music, dancing...) or to continue improving on a current hobby. I believe this will be a year to gain new experiences and find growth in what you enjoy. May the force be with you. Good luck! Until next time...

Much love,


PS: The new Star Wars movie was awesome! BB-8.           

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